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An artistic photo of a group of students, some standing and some sitting, in a dark room with spotlights.

OU Climate Survey

In 2017, OU conducted a climate survey as a way to assess Oakland University’s culture. Goals of the survey include measuring perceptions of inclusiveness, diversity, friendliness, cooperation, professionalism, recognition, respect, accessibility, support and opportunities for career advancement and academic success here on campus.

Key points from the 2017 climate survey:
In the 2017 Oakland University Climate survey, faculty, staff and students rate overall climate as good to excellent (close to 4.0 on a 5-point scale). Scores on overall climate have increased as compared to the climate survey conducted in 2013.

Scores on the majority of items within the key drivers have increased as compared to the climate survey conducted in 2013. Nevertheless, some continue to remain areas for action with scores lower than 3.5 on a 5-point scale.

Survey Results
2017 Climate Survey Executive Summary

For detailed reports of the 2017 Climate Survey, please contact [email protected].

The Survey Research Laboratory (SRL) of the University of Illinois is conducting a study on behalf of President George W. Hynd and Oakland University to assess the climate at Oakland University (University of Illinois IRB#). The purpose of this Information Sheet is to let you know more about the study so you can decide whether to volunteer for the study or not.

Why is this study being done?
The purpose of this research study is to assess workplace and educational climate for students, faculty and staff. The study will measure perceptions of climate including inclusiveness, friendliness, cooperation, support, and opportunities for career advancement and academic success. All Oakland University students, faculty and staff, 18 years of age or older, are being asked to participate.

Who is sponsoring this study?
Oakland University is funding the study and SRL is responsible for its implementation.

Where is this study being done?
The study will be conducted on-line to all Oakland University students, faculty and staff.

How long will it take to answer the on-line questionnaire?
You should allow approximately 20 minutes for the survey.

What are the risk of participating in this study?
This study carries only minimal risk to participants. The potential risk is owing to negative psychological reactions to any aspect of the study, including the questions being asked, such as about any threats you or others might have experienced. If you experience any negative psychological reaction you are strongly encouraged to contact the Graham Health Center at (248) 370-2341 and/or the Counseling Center in the School of Education and Human Services at (248) 370- 2633.

Are there any known benefits from taking part in this study?
While there are no direct benefits to you personally for participating in the study, your input will be very valuable in helping understand the current campus and work/educational climate at Oakland University and in helping to develop action plans to address issues of concern, which will benefit the University population at large.

Are there any incentives for taking part in this study?
All those who complete the survey will be entered into a drawing for the following: (1) Reserved Parking Spot for one semester: 3 names will be drawn, one each from the student, staff, and faculty groups. (2) Campus Recreation Fitness Passes valued at $25 each: 3 names will be drawn from faculty and staff groups (3) Campus Recreation Fitness Guest Passes: 3 student names will be drawn. (4) Food Credit from Chartwells valued at $25 each: 3 names will be drawn from faculty and staff groups, and 3 names from the students group. (4) Gift Card from Barnes and Noble valued at $25 each: 3 names will be drawn from faculty and staff groups, and 3 names from the students group. Only one incentive will be awarded to a person. SRL will be responsible for drawing the names at the end of the data collection period.

What are my rights if I participate in this study?
Your decision to participate in this study is voluntary. You may choose to leave the study at any time, or refuse to answer any questions that may be asked during the study. You will not lose any benefits to which you are otherwise entitled and your decision will not affect your present or future relationship with Oakland University. If you are a student or employee at Oakland University, your decision about participation will not affect your grades or employment status.

How will the results of the study be disseminated?
SRL will prepare three formal reports of study results, one each for faculty, staff and students. Reports will be made available on the Oakland University website in Winter 2017.

What will be done to keep my information confidential?
To protect the confidentiality of your responses SRL is administering this survey and will not disclose your survey information to anyone, and when this research is discussed no one will know that you were in the study. If, however, it is required by law or by the University of Illinois ("university") policy information may be shared with certain university members, e.g., the Institutional Review Board (IRB) and the Office for the Protection of Research Subjects (OPRS).

SRL will not provide the raw data to Oakland University, but only provide a report in which data are aggregated. The report will never present responses broken out by more than one demographic variable. For example, the report will not analyze responses for staff by gender within race/ethnicity, or for students by gender within student status.

What if I have questions about the study?
For questions about the study you may contact the SRL project coordinator, Dr. Sowmya Anand, at (217) 333-2219, [email protected].

If you have any questions about your rights as a participant in this study or any concerns or complaints, you may contact the University of Illinois Institutional Review Board at (217) 333-2670 or via email at [email protected].

2016 Oakland University Climate Survey (SRL #1198)
Consent Information sheet, Version 1.1
September 27, 2016

For the purposes of assessing campus community perceptions of Oakland University's academic and work environments with respect to diversity, equity and inclusion, the Office of the Senior Advisor to the President for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and the Office of Inclusion and Intercultural Initiatives partnered with the UIC Survey Research Laboratory (SRL) in a study created to survey all faculty, staff and students. A total of 2,207 people or about 9.2 percent of the campus community completed the survey.

For findings and responses, please contact [email protected].

Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Oakland Center, Suite 150
312 Meadow Brook Rd
Rochester, MI 48309-4454
(location map)
(248) 370-3496

Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
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